Voice Claims
i've got a ton of weird and niche voice claims for spidey characters that make 0 sense, so heres a collection. im a broke ass mf so i refuse to buy premium neocities for embed mp3s, so enjoy these ugly audio boxes courtesy of google drive.
Roderick Kingsley - Norm MacDonald (rip)
so this used to be o'hare from the lorax but I think the higher resonance mixed with the actual lowness of his voice works better

The Green Goblin - Marshall Mathers (kill you)
this ones a weird one, but its growing on me

Norman Osborn - Giancarlo Esposito/Antón Castillo (Far Cry 6)
perfect, no arguments.

Peter Parker - Rob Mcelhenney/Mac (IASIP)
Sorry for the quiet audio on this one, I'll get a better clip later.

Victoria Hand - (???)
im not even kidding when i say this is an ai generated audio from one of those subway surfers greentext reading videos