Kingsley's Timeline of Twink Death and Rebirth
Roderick Kingsley has had many different visions for his character along the way, and due to his somewhat scarce important appearances, any development made usually ends up in futility or get reset later when he's needed for something else. Overall, this is tragic, but it's made for some interesting developments!
Initial appearance - 1980
Kingsley first appeared in Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #43 as an effeminate young man who was in major trouble because he had been stealing fashion designs from other women in the industry and was under threat of violence from Belladonna. Damsel in distress type, involved in fashion, effeminate; seems pretty twink to me.

Twink death - 1984-1998
First appearing again with a slightly re-vamped style in The Amazing Spiderman #249, Kingsley becomes seemingly less effeminate with each appearance. this continues, but is notable once again just after he's imprisoned in Goblins At the Gate - The Spectacular Spiderman #259-261 when his physique seems to be more than just an increase in lean muscle, which builds upon the growth in muscle that was seen in The Spectacular Spiderman #85. Kingsley was yet to appear for quite some time after Goblins At The Gate, as he had gone into hiding.

DILF BIRTH?! - 2012
Kingsley, having been on business in south america as his new persona Devil-Spider for the past few years, hears that not only is his brother dead, but someone is impersonating the hobgoblin! He decides to make his way back to NYC to take care of business, and boy had he grown up. the idea that it had been less than 5 in-world years since we had last seen him is insane to me.

After his long-haired appearance and faked death in Superior Spider-man, Kingsley makes a return in his own comic, Axis: Hobgoblin, a 3 part mini where he makes his return in the public eye leasing superhero names and gear to anyone who 'wants to make a difference'! this one was fun, and i kind of wish it was longer because you can really tell that they wanted to develop kingsley in a way that planted him firmly back in the effeminate-male-fashion-major scene. He was a lot more flamboyant in this one, though still menacing (to an extent) which was great to see. also worth mentioning are the two most notable characters introduced specfically as their relationship to Kingsley : the random ass bondage guy in his living room (Larry), and his campy makeup artist, Sterling.

Twinkrilibrium - Honorable mentions
though kingsley's recent (2018-2023) appearances seem to have returned to the weird midpoint where he's not really flamboyant or brooding, I'll have to conclude for now that his true form will forever just be whats convenient for the plot. so heres some of my favorite kingsley lines/appearances