Hey look, its the 35th president of the united states! whats he doing on this eyesore of a webpage?

John Fitzgerald Kennedy is my favorite president, heres a collection of him and things relating to him.


It's a shame the world remembers him better dead than alive, but in case you ever wondered about the specifics of JFK's assassination, I put together a zine to better display the key points. You can read it here

JFK: Reloaded

JFK: Reloaded is a controversial first-person shooter released in 2004, the objective is to recreate the 3 shots that were fired at jfk on the 22nd of November 1963 (as described by the Warren Commission). As expected, the game created quite the controversy, even referred to by Ted Kennedy as "Despicable". The player is scored out of 1000 based on how well they can recreate the shots, the criteria that are scored include timing, casualties, and bullet entry and exit points (as well as the causualties caused and bullets fired). So far, there have been no recorded perfect 1000's.


the first president of the television era, jfk won audiences over in debates and continued to wow everyone in interviews. i have a small playlist of audio and video of the 35th to listen to when i get bored of music at the gym. enjoy.

also, heres some of my favorite clips (more to be added, im sure.)


Jack's handwriting is attrocious, so much so that many of the somewhat recently declassified Kennedy files are virtually unreadable. Heres a compilation of some of my favorites.

"The reasons that I have for wishing to go to Harvard are several. I feel that Harvard can give me a better background and a better liberal education than any other university. I have always wanted to go there, as I have felt that it is not just another college, but is a university with something definite to offer. Then too, I would like to go to the same college as my father. To be a “harvard man” is an enviable distinction, and one that I sincerely hope I shall attain. April 23, 1935 John F. Kennedy"
i like this one because its both neatly written and makes me feel like maybe all people are the same. The experience of having to yap and meatride to secure opportunities truly is shared across all classes and through time, it seems. 8/10 for readability and fuzzy warmness in my 'eart. -2 points for nepotism.

"I am announcing today my candidacy for the Presidency of the United States"
Almost completely unreadable. This was from a passage that was hardly a page long, was he really in that much of a rush? In typical Kennedy fashion, many of the T's are crossed in the wrong place and same goes for the dotting of the i's. Theres two space-sized gaps in the word 'announcing' alone. 5/10 because Its kind of charming.