
There are few trivial things in Norman's life that just keep coming back. Why not compile em?
This is a collection of arbitrary mentions or topics that i feel should be collected.
first up:

Norman's Office painting

Did he do it himself? Does he even really like it? How does he fit so much stuff behind it? I doubt we'll ever know.

- Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #7
- Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #35
- Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #45
- Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #50

Honorable mentions:

Amazing Spider-man (2022) #29, a similar painting is seen in Norman's apartment.


If I had a nickel for every time Norman said the r word.....

  • Thunder-bolts #120
  • Amazing Spider-Man (lgy) #596

    while not an exhaustive list, this is sorted into full and partial nudity.

    Partial Nudity

    The Osborn Journals - norman is seen naked but covered from the waist down.

    Spider-man: the night of the goblin - norman rips his shirt off and it remains off for about 2 panels.

    The Spectacular spiderman #261 - this ones depraved but theres some delicious norman cleavage in the end.

    Spider-man: revenge of the goblin - norman is shirtless in #1, and in #3 is shirtless for some time with some impressive cum gutters.

    New Avengers (2010) #18 - norman is naked but covered from the waist down after having sex with june covington.

    Red Goblin #2 - Norman's blouse is ripped all the way down exposing his hamburger bun chest and abs.

    Amazing spiderman (2022) #29 - otto takes normans gold goblin shirt off to inject him with goblin serum because i guess rolling his sleeves up wouldve been too hard. he stays this way until #30 and we even get some tasteful boobs-spilling-over-tentacles shots.

    Full Nudity

    Thunderbolts #120 - norman gets naked in the t-bolts basement for a panel.

    Dark Avengers (2009) - in #10, norman is stripped naked, he remains this way for some of #11, and is naked for most of #12, having to hold a conversation with Bob while no-one comments on it.