Spiderman: The Comic: The Game

I started daydreaming about a spidey rpg in my free time, and i just HAD to see it. it doesnt have a name yet so enjoy it's ridiculous placeholder until it gets one. I cut the clip awff because i dont wanna spoil tha story until i have more main stuff posted.


I made all the assets for the game myself, except for the music which was made by my buddy Marigold Carnival (formerly known as Marika)! In example footage, there are SOME janky maps due to image resizing that hasnt been corrected yet, like the subway map or, if you look too close, Pete's walking sprites. I made it using RPGMAKERMV and mapped with the parallax mapping plugin.

The plot is a secret for the most part, but it's not a super complex game so you could probably figure out a decent chunk if i gave a little more info. I used a ton of online tutorials for basic stuff like binding the images to the map (since i hated the idea of using default tiles) and using switches to change dialogue.

Asset fun

here are some of my favorite assets. dont look too close, theyre not very good.

Bugs/Early Footage

I walked into starting this (very short so far) game with 0 knowledge of how rpgmaker works or even what story it was going to follow. as a result of this, i got some pretty funny bugs and display issues. +some test screenshots